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Part 4
Skiing at Alpine Meadows and Squaw Valley

PC104355 Alpine Meadows Ski Area on a warm, sunny, spring-like Friday a couple days after storms dumped almost 4 feet of fresh snow.

Alpine Meadows Ski Area on a warm, sunny, spring-like Friday a couple days after storms dumped almost 4 feet of fresh snow.

PC104349 Automatic ticket machines were cool and convenient.

Automatic ticket machines were cool and convenient.

PC104350 Almost all the front side of the mountain was open, but the back was closed.

Almost all the front side of the mountain was open, but the back was closed.

PC104492b We're living in crazy times when 192 cm skis loom like giants.

We're living in crazy times when 192 cm skis loom like giants.

PC104478 Carey poised near the base lodge.

Carey poised near the base lodge.

PC104441 Debbie perched up top.

Debbie perched up top.

PC104364 Groom-o-rama!


PC104493c Backlit icy trees looked like crystal.

Backlit icy trees looked like crystal.

PC104367 Lake Tahoe is right under those clouds.

Lake Tahoe is right under those clouds.

PC104495 Rugged rock formations to look at.

Rugged rock formations to look at.

PC104435 High speed lifts galore.

High speed lifts galore.

PC104439 Nice mix of open bowls and trees.

Nice mix of open bowls and trees.

PC104443d Different trees than the typical ski-area pines.

Different trees than the typical ski-area pines.

PC104496 Exposed midriff fashion trend has even reached the slopes.

Exposed midriff fashion trend has even reached the slopes.

PC104470b Debbie thought this woman looked like Princess Diana.

Debbie thought this woman looked like Princess Diana.

PC104359b Debbie, looking pleased with the spring-like conditions.

Debbie, looking pleased with the spring-like conditions.

PC104370b Debbie delights in a wide, empty, groomed cruiser.

Debbie delights in a wide, empty, groomed cruiser.

PC104451 White art shot.

White art shot.

PC104392b Debbie chases her shadow -- zoom!

Debbie chases her shadow -- zoom!

PC104376b Parallel carving action.

Parallel carving action.

PC104479b Carey, modeling the latest trends in skiwear.

Carey, modeling the latest trends in skiwear.

PC104500 Looks a bit like parts of Alta.

Looks a bit like parts of Alta.

PC104449b Uncontrollable slide, woo hoo!

Uncontrollable slide, woo hoo!

PC104448 They aren't kidding about "firm" conditions.

They aren't kidding about "firm" conditions.

PC104502 These people don't look too happy.

These people don't look too happy.

PC104501c Sure enough, one crashed and had to be hauled down on a stretcher.

Sure enough, one crashed and had to be hauled down on a stretcher.

PC104440 Picturesque.


PC104461 Snowboarder over Tahoe.

Snowboarder over Tahoe.

PC104481 Now that's more like it, ski tips.

Now that's more like it, ski tips.

PC104490 Found a bit of a glade, steep but spare.

Found a bit of a glade, steep but spare.

PC104446 I'm parked down there somewhere.

I'm parked down there somewhere.

PC104507 The Ultimate Ski Car?  No, but it works.

The Ultimate Ski Car? No, but it works.

PC295656 The set of tire cable chains I ordered to be ready next winter.

The set of tire cable chains I ordered to be ready next winter.

PC295653 The Z Chains test fitted on the M Coupe.

The Z Chains test fitted on the M Coupe.

PC114509 Carey went to Squaw Valley on Saturday, home of the 1960 Winter Olympic Games.

Carey went to Squaw Valley on Saturday, home of the 1960 Winter Olympic Games.

PC114510b Sled dog practice course on the approach to the area.

Sled dog practice course on the approach to the area.

PC114617 Sled dog area from above, with babbling brook visible.

Sled dog area from above, with babbling brook visible.

PC114513 The far left mountain of the ski area, which featured some tree runs.

The far left mountain of the ski area, which featured some tree runs.

PC114619 Squaw base area is densely developed.

Squaw base area is densely developed.

PC114520 The famous tramway heads for the mid-mountain Olympic pavillion.

The famous tramway heads for the mid-mountain Olympic pavillion.

PC114515 Central ski mountain is wide open, European style.

Central ski mountain is wide open, European style.

PC114547 Mid-mountain Olympic pavillion.

Mid-mountain Olympic pavillion.

PC114539 Riding the renowned KT-22 lift.

Riding the renowned KT-22 lift.

PC114541b "Icy conditions" turned KT-22's supposedly excellent expert terrain into survival challenges.

"Icy conditions" turned KT-22's supposedly excellent expert terrain into survival challenges.

PC114537 "Scrape, scrape, scrape"

"Scrape, scrape, scrape"

PC114529 Looked nice but was hard as rock.

Looked nice but was hard as rock.

PC114561 This terrain would be great with decent snow on it.

This terrain would be great with decent snow on it.

PC114542 I overheard these guys talking about this view off the back of Squaw...

I overheard these guys talking about this view off the back of Squaw...

PC114625 Some private tycoon bought the land and is building a private lift from his side that ends up near the top of KT-22.

Some private tycoon bought the land and is building a private lift from his side that ends up near the top of KT-22.

PC114629 He'll have a nice view of the lake, for sure, but there doesn't seem to be much snow on that side.

He'll have a nice view of the lake, for sure, but there doesn't seem to be much snow on that side.

PC114560 Olympic pavillion and outdoor ice rink.

Olympic pavillion and outdoor ice rink.

PC114609b View from the pavillion of Lake Tahoe.

View from the pavillion of Lake Tahoe.

PC114578b More panoramic beauty from the deck.

More panoramic beauty from the deck.

PC114607b Cool shadows of the Olympic rings.

Cool shadows of the Olympic rings.

PC114600 Over on the right side of Squaw, the Shirley Lake Express served some nice blue/black terrain.

Over on the right side of Squaw, the Shirley Lake Express served some nice blue/black terrain.

PC114608 Beyond the international flags, note the nice-looking bumps coming off the peak.

Beyond the international flags, note the nice-looking bumps coming off the peak.

PC114588 Steep, narrow, and bumpy.  Gotta try that.

Steep, narrow, and bumpy. Gotta try that.

PC114598b The bumpy pitch from above.  Turned out to be pretty fun.

The bumpy pitch from above. Turned out to be pretty fun.

PC114596 "Experts Only": Luckily, everyone's an expert at Squaw, especially on little shaped skis.

"Experts Only": Luckily, everyone's an expert at Squaw, especially on little shaped skis.

PC114591 Expert snowboarders too.

Expert snowboarders too.

PC114552 The top of aptly-named Sun Bowl.

The top of aptly-named Sun Bowl.

PC114577 Classic Squaw scenery.

Classic Squaw scenery.

PC114580 Blue sky ride.

Blue sky ride.

PC114611 Yellow sky ride.

Yellow sky ride.

PC114627 Some seriously nasty snow.  AVOID!  Refrozen after rain water carved gullies down the slope.

Some seriously nasty snow. AVOID! Refrozen after rain water carved gullies down the slope.

PC114637 I just had to try some of that stuff on my last run of the day.

I just had to try some of that stuff on my last run of the day.

PC114635b Back on the groomed, a boarder blows past to conclude a fun day.

Back on the groomed, a boarder blows past to conclude a fun day.

This photo gallery is associated with the DEBCAR RV travel website at www.debcar.com